Prepare for the future of remote work in the US

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How Will IT Lead in the New Work-from-Anywhere Era?

Powering Remote Work, Virtual World Tour: United States

A global IDG study commissioned by LogMeIn reveals how IT and line of business leaders have positioned their organizations for success as flexible, remote work becomes a permanent fixture for businesses. In this webinar in the Powering Remote Work Virtual World Tour series, we check in with Chad Wolfe to see how Nationwide Insurance has solved for remote work and what challenges remain.

Join this webinar to learn

  • How organizations are taking an aggressive posture to combat cyberthreats
  • What’s needed most from your remote work tools to support flexible work
  • Steps you should take to scale your remote work tools and secure your remote workforce

You will also receive a copy of the full report conducted by IDG on behalf of LogMeIn, Ensuring Productivity and Security in the New Remote Work Era.

About Our Guest

Chad Wolfe, Production Engineer at Nationwide Insurance, has been with the company for over 25 years. In this time, he worked in managing endpoints and originally brought remote support to Nationwide more than a decade ago. With the shift to remote work in 2020, Chad spent his time researching solutions to ensure Nationwide has the best products to solve their unique needs. Today, he is focused on enabling Nationwide’s remote workforce as the organization looks to a more permanent remote work future.