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Remote Windows support has never felt closer.

No cost. No catch. No kidding.

Securely connect to any desktop or laptop PC on any network from anywhere at anytime. With LogMeIn Rescue, powerful remote Windows support is at your fingertips 24/7 to connect with your customers and employees. Problem solved.

Only Rescue's remote Windows support solution delivers all these advantages:
  • Quickly connect & communicate
    • Remote Control: Take over your end user’s PC and perform tasks as if you were using their device directly.
    • Chat: Communicate simply and transparently during a mobile support session to resolve issues fast.
  • Full-service IT support
    • In-depth diagnostic tools, resources and support: Help you pinpoint and resolve issues in less time.
    • Reboot and Reconnect: Reboot Windows PCs instantly and reconnect immediately, even if devices are unattended or in safe mode.
  • Rest easy with financial-grade security
    • Financial-grade TLS 1.2 with 256-bit advanced encryption
    • Industry-leading session reporting & auditing
  • Connect to everything
    • Connect to PCs, Macs, iOS and Android devices
    • Simple, battle-proven UI and technician dashboard