What’s New with Rescue

Take your remote support to the next level. Explore the latest enhancements and deliver faster, more effective support.​

Make Your Life a Little Bit Easier

We’ve enhanced the administrator experience with the release of a number of new Rescue features. These new additions will save admins time, increase efficiency and make their lives a little bit easier. They include:

  • Active Directory sync
  • Bulk user upload
  • JSON format for session details

Active Directory Sync

Automatically sync Active Directory users in Rescue

The days of manually creating users in Rescue are over. Active Directory now syncs with Rescue so admins can save time by eliminating duplication of work and managing users in multiple systems.

Bulk User Upload

Allow mass creation of Rescue technicians

For large enterprises who may not utilize a user management system, Bulk User Upload allows onboarding of hundreds of techs with just a few clicks. Your business no longer needs to upload new technicians one by one or utilize a developer with API knowledge.


JSON Format

Send post-session data in JSON format

Rescue admins now have the option to export session data in JSON format - allowing for more flexibility when using a custom integration or API solution to store Rescue session data.

Give your people the power to get IT done.

Start providing seamless remote support and see how your business can benefit with a free trial of Rescue.