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Score an “A” in remote support.

Fully support your faculty, staff, and students. Anywhere.

Campus walls are expanding. Academic technology is advancing. Empower your IT Help Desk to keep your community up and running through it all. Easily and securely connect to any PC, Mac, or mobile device on any network, anytime.

Only Rescue’s remote support solution delivers these best-in-class advantages:
  • Keep peace of mind top of mind.
    • Financial-grade TLS 1.2 with 256-bit advanced encryption
    • Extra security layers like IP restrictions keep malicious actors out
  • Ease of use 101.
    • Your choice of one-click connection methods for your end users
    • Intuitive technician dashboard for student techs and full-time staff
  • Class can’t wait. Neither can your ROI.
    • Speed up resolutions with fast connections and remote diagnostics
    • Connect to PCs, Macs, iOS and Android devices
    • Achieve ROI with valuable session data and maintenance-free cloud architecture